jsm Manual & Documentation

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The MIDIOutput object represents a handle to a MIDI output port. Its constructor function accepts a port name as argument. It has a send() function for sending arbitary MIDI messages as well as convenience functions for each defined MIDI message.

MIDIOutput(portName, [latency])

Return a MIDIOutput object opened to the port with the given portName. portName can be specified as undefined. If so, the port named by the MIDI_OUTPUT environment variable, or, if that variable is not set, the first MIDI output port available in the system will be opened.

If a latency is supplied, it determines the portmidi latency of the port and enables deferred sending of messages.

The time argument that can be supplied to all the message sending functions below specifies the absolute time at which the message will be sent. The current absolute time may be determined by the 'MIDI.currentTime()' function. Note that it is an error to specify a sending time that has already passed. Also, message sending timestamps must be monotonically increasing, i.e. once a message has been enqueued for a certain point in time, it is not possible to enqueue another message to be sent earlier than that. Such a condition will be detected and signalled as an error to the application.


Returns the port name that this MIDIOutput object has been opened on.


The channel number to use for sending messages (1 to 16). When using the send() function directly, the channel number is not used. By default, the MIDIOutput object sends on MIDI channel 1.

MIDIOutput.send(message, [time])

Send a raw MIDI message. message is either a string with space separated hexadecimal values or an array of numbers.

MIDIOutput.noteOn(pitch, velocity, [time])

MIDIOutput.noteOff(pitch, velocity, [time])

Send a MIDI Note On or Note Off event on the current channel. pitch is the pitch of the note, which may be specified either as integer MIDI note number or as note name string (e.g. 'C0', 'F#4' or 'B-2').

MIDIOutput.pitchWheelChange(value, [time])

Send a MIDI pitchWheelChange message with the given value as argument. value must be passed as a number between -8192 and 8191.

MIDIOutput.sysex(message, [time])

Send the given MIDI sysex message. The message must be either a string with space separated hexadecimal values or an array of numbers. The start sysex (0xf0) and end sysex (0xf7) bytes must be included in the message. Nested messages are not allowed.

MIDIOutput.nrpn7(parameter, value, [time])

MIDIOutput.nrpn14(parameter, value, [time])

Send a NRPN message consisting of a 14 bit NRPN parameter and a 7 (nrpn7) or 14 (nrpn14) bit value. No previous selection of the NRPN controller number in the target device is assumed, i.e. nrpn7 results in three controlChange messages and nrpn14 results in four controlChange message to be sent to the target device.

MIDIOutput.polyphonicKeyPressure(pitch, velocity, [time])

MIDIOutput.controlChange(controllerNumber, controllerValue, [time])

MIDIOutput.programChange(programNumber, [time])

MIDIOutput.channelPressure(pressureValue, [time])

MIDIOutput.midiTimeCode(argument, [time])

MIDIOutput.songPositionPointer(positionLsb, positionMsb, [time])

MIDIOutput.songSelect(songNumber, [time])









Send the respective standard MIDI message with the arguments supplied on the current channel. No further translation of the arguments is performed for these messages.